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Transit advertising is a powerful way to reach a broad audience in high-traffic urban areas. With thousands of commuters relying on public transportation daily, buses, trains, bus shelters, and train stations offer prime advertising space to maximize brand visibility.

Bus advertising provides an impactful mobile presence as buses travel throughout the city. Options range from side panel ads, known as kings and queens, to full wraps that immerse the vehicle in a brand’s messaging. Interior ads placed above windows also provide an opportunity to engage riders throughout their commute. According to recent studies, 88% of adults have noticed out-of-home (OOH) ads in the last 30 days, and 78% engage with an OOH ad within 60 days of viewing. This makes bus advertising a powerful way to ensure repeated brand exposure.

Train advertising offers extensive exposure, especially in major metropolitan areas. Half and full train wraps transform train cars into striking moving advertisements that capture attention across the city. Interior placements on walls, windows, and doors ensure that brands stay in front of riders for extended periods. Train stations also provide valuable advertising real estate, with full station wraps completely transforming high-traffic locations into immersive brand experiences. On average, people spend 57 minutes riding public transit daily, with 58% spending more than 2 hours, ensuring prolonged exposure to advertisements.

Bus shelters offer another strategic way to reach both pedestrians and commuters. Located at key intersections and high-traffic areas, they provide continuous exposure to both waiting riders and passing foot traffic. 51% of consumers search for a brand online after seeing an OOH ad, while 43% make an online purchase. With bold creative designs, bus shelter ads ensure a brand remains top of mind for a captive audience.

At AdTime Marketing, we specialize in creating transit advertising campaigns that leave a lasting impression. Whether it’s a full bus wrap, a station takeover, or digital displays in high-traffic areas, we craft strategies that drive results. Let us help you find the best transit advertising options for your brand. Contact us today to get started!